The CapSized Shop at LMCU Ballpark is open for in-person shopping on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 am to 3 pm.

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    What shipping options do I have?

    We generally ship via USPS Priority or First Class Mail. Both of these forms of shipping should arrive to you within three days of shipment (these are delivery days, not order processing days, which may take 1-3 days).

    How do I calculate my shipping and handling costs?

    In order to calculate your shipping costs, simply place the item(s) in your shopping cart, go to checkout and enter your shipping address information and you can see the shipping costs for your desired item(s). Be sure to select the correct shipping method to calculate an accurate amount for your desired shipping.

    We will make every attempt to list only in-stock items, however there may be instances when a popular item may sell out quickly. Should this occur your order will be adjusted and processed immediately. Your credit card will only be charged for those items shipped.

    In the event of a credit card problem, we will e-mail you immediately to inform you of the situation. We will then wait up to 10 business days for your response and then e-mail you once more before canceling the order. Customer Service will respond to your e-mail within 48 business hours. Hours of operation for e-mail are Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST. 

    How long does it take to process orders?

    Due to the high volume of orders we receive daily, our policy allows for up to 1-5 business days before your order is shipped out.

    Tracking your order

    You will receive a tracking # for your order in your shipping confirmation email.